Thursday, December 31, 2015

Back Teaching AVID

It was a turmoil year at my school.  I started teaching my 6-8th Leadership class, but budget cuts happened and we had to surplus teachers.  With that in mind, I lost my classes and was moved to AVID, which I loved any way.  It was bitter sweet to take my Leadership classes and give them to other teachers.  I was allowed to keep one class of 6th graders.  I was moved to AVID in the beginning of October.  I am currently teaching 6-7th graders which was great, but now it was like the first day of school again, I had to go over my ritual and routines, my expectations, and try to figure out where I needed to start.  So, I decided to teach them how to do Cornell notes.  You know I am a Pinterest fanatic, so I needed something that will help my 6th graders to remember how to use their Cornell Notes and remediation for my 7th graders.  So the search began.  I found an image, so I constructed my bulletin board.

Now, that was done.  The next lesson I started was how to do a tutorial.  I needed another visual to help them with the Tutorial Request Form (TRF).  I found another idea that was on Pinterest, but they used chalk paint on the wall, but I did not want to do that because I change rooms each year.  So, the light bulb went off in my head and I came up with placing black bulletin board paper on my closet door and I had a couple of my students create the TRF on the door with chalk.  It came out great.


Tuesday, June 30, 2015

2014-2015 Leadership Classroom

It's the end of the school year and I took pictures of my classroom before I took everything down before summer break. This school year 2014-2015, I taught for the first time a Leadership class.  I had to create my own curriculum which was exciting.  I decided to use round tables for collaboration and projects.  Each table had four students.  Here are some of the pictures of my classroom.
I only had one bulletin board, so I decided to use it as my background behind my desk.
On the blue wall students had to come up with quotes that were inspirational to them and I put them on the wall.  Also, this area I kept my library and supplies that the students used on a daily basis.

My student display their work on the walls and I had a place on the back table where they turned in their work.
The white board was the class Command Center.  We did a lot of service projects, so we created a large monthly calendar.
The blue line on the floor was for our Philosophical Chair discussions.  I did not use chairs when we did this activity because it was too much to move the chairs back and forth over the line.  I had my students stand and if they changed their opinion they just walked across the blue line.
This was the front of my class where I displayed students' work and I used several ideas from Pinterest to create what went on my whiteboards.